If you have a financial hardship and can show that you are unable to pay the full amount for the offenses on your traffic ticket, you may:
*submit a request by visiting the MyCitations website here.
*request the court consider your ability to pay in setting or reducing the fine amount,
*ask for an installment plan based on your ability to pay,
*ask to consider community service for all or part of the amount due.
In order to claim a financial hardship a plea must have been entered. If you have not entered a plea, you will need to submit a plea and the request for consideration of financial hardship.
To plead guilty or no contest, complete the Advisal/Waiver of Constitutional Rights for Plea by Mail, MO-041 form, along with a Can't Afford to Pay Fine, TR-320 form, and return them to the court. You will be notified of the court's decision by mail.
To plead not guilty, complete the Request for Arraignment and Trial on Same Date, MO-012 form, along with a Can't Afford to Pay Fine, TR-320 form, and return them to the court. Bail will not be required at this time. You will be notified of your arraignment and court trial date by mail. You can discuss financial hardship at your court trial, in the event you are found guilty and a fine is ordered.
Requests may be mailed via USPS or dropped in the express drop box located outside the court building.